Diary, Life and so

Hello 2017!

Happy new year guys!

How was your 2016? I don’t want to make a review of the past one as there were ups and downs you don’t need to read about. The last year was very personal to me and so is to be this one. I want to enjoy my family and boyfriend before we move away. Then there will be lack of time to spend with our beloved ones.

And what are you up to this year? What are your resolutions? We’re about to travel a bit again and to work hard while studying. I don’t like New Year’s resolutions as I never keep it. But what I’d love to do is to ski as much as possible and to learn fishing (just to understand why he does love it so much) and to work on more outfit posts! I found out you like those posts more than others so I wish I’d be able to publish more of them.

Now… few of my most favourite photos from 2016!

Love, Michaela

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