Diary, Food, Life and so

Food festival in April

Not long ago I went to visit my boyfriend at a food festival. He was helping with presenting their faculty. As he had to work (fish! all tasty), I had enough time to walk around and take some photos. And try out some delicious-looking food. Plus we found a while to catch up with my lovely Michelle.

D. was talking about this festival for so long! And always he went there without me – obviously he had no space to spend his time there with me. And yes, it was different to the festivals and markets I knew, as those fashion markets were far away from festival where they had to cook all the time.

So I had a walk, found out about many tasty foods (insects were not my number one) and decided that I was still me and my favourites were sweets. Mango ice cream or marzipan were ones to live for. I also loved a tortilla with fish (some kind of little African catfish I guess) and a totally bio and nature and economic friendly burger. That one tasted a bit sweet and Asian, but all together was amazing.

After that we had a really nice chat with my dear and I can’t wait for another one. Afterwards, some dinner and beer was on the list with guys working on the festival. It was nice to see them off-duty and just have fun.

The lightning there was not really perfect, but my camera made quite a good job. I’m a bit fighting with videos from my DSLR as it’s not able to work in my favourite manual regime. What ever, I’ll have to find out how to fix it.

And tomorrow we have a small photoshoot! I hope it will be as lovely as I imagine it. Wish me luck, the weather doesn’t seem to cooperate so far. And the photoshoot should be held outside (sure, where else, atelier, excuse me? ). Photos soon.

Enjoy the photos and video and go and get some food! By the way, what are your plans for this weekend?

Love, Michaela ♥

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10 thoughts on “Food festival in April”

    1. I’m happy to read this! 😉 The marzipan truffles were out of this world, if you like marzipan, go ahead! 🙂

      Liked by 1 person

  1. Love the photos! Those truffles look amazing. My weekend plans included a going away party last night for my upcoming move, shopped and ate lots of food today, and tomorrow going to church 🙂


    1. I guess your plan is far better than mine, full of working 🙂 Enjoy your weekend and good luck with move!

      Liked by 1 person

  2. No jo – musíš ale uznat, že tohle vypadá daleko líp než InterBeauty nebo Mercedes-Benz Fashion Week 🙂 (zabijte mě, ale tu zkratku MBFW nesnáším 🙂 ) .


    1. Stoprocentně! A taky si to můžeš víc užít. (ta zkratka je nechutná, nic horšího snad není…)


    1. Thank you, Elizabeth!
      I’m in, your blog looks so nice! I just found you on both 🙂

